Merry CHRISTmas

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Merry Christmas!!  Yes, despite the few comments and many emails received due to this holiday blog post, our household still celebrates Christmas and all the joy that comes with the season.  The month of December was filled with joy, celebration, vacations, and family memories and we can’t wait to share our accomplishments with you.

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Here is the list of awesome accomplishments from December:

  1. We completed five Science projects!  This was a fun month for science and all the children had so much fun conducting experiments on their level.
  2. We attended several Christmas parties via friends, family, and church throughout the month.  We even hosted our own Holiday Pajama Party on Christmas Eve.
  3. I lesson planned, and lesson planned, and lesson planned some more!
  4. We managed to laugh and smile through the holiday season a lot more than we thought we would.  Losing a loved ones, no matter when, is hard but we are grateful for the comfort of God as we made it through our first Christmas without Pops, my husband’s father who passed in July, and Great Pa-Pa, my grandfather who passed at the beginning of December. As 2017 comes to an end, I implore each of you to love on ALL (yes, I mean ALL) of your family, make time to make memories, and take lots of pictures. Time is our most valuable currency as well as our most precious commodity and inestimable asset.  Every one should make family time a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly priority because life, no matter how long, is truly short

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Father God, thank you for the reader of my blog posts and viewers of the YouTube videos because their support has afforded a myriad of opportunities and for that I am truly grateful.  Thank you for family, friends, and all the memories we have made with them this year.  Thank you for the year 2017!  It might not have been perfect but strengthening our obedience to your will and growth in your word was worth every obstacle encountered.  Thank you for the every year ending with reminders to be thankful in November and to spread CHRISTmas joy in December! And finally Lord, thank you for the birth, life, death, and subsequent resurrection of your son Jesus Christ through which we have immediate access to salvation.  Just as you did this year, and in every moment of time prior, we trust you to guide us into and through 2018 because we can accomplish nothing without you.  In the name of Jesus, Amen 

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We accomplished a lot more but I think that’s enough to share for now.  This is the last blog post for 2017 and I pray that it finds you all in the best of health, strength, and faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for each and every person that has supported my hobby this year and hope you found encouragement, laughs, and learned a few new things. I can’t wait to see what next year brings!

See you in 2018,

Ta’Neisha K.

Published by Ta'Neisha K.

Wife to a great husband. Mother to great children. My family is my ministry.

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