2nd Grade Curriculum Choices, Supplements, & Resources

As you saw last week I am back on the My Father’s World path with my younger Cool Kids. Even though we are using a “boxed curriculum” we still need items for spelling, math, and language arts. So today I’ll be sharing the various resources and curriculum choices I have for Princess. Now, keep inContinueContinue reading “2nd Grade Curriculum Choices, Supplements, & Resources”

8th Grade Summer Workbooks & Unit Studies

found these books to help my 8th grader learn during his leisure time.

Review: Computer Science & Coding Notebook (Workman Publishing)

Everything You Need to Ace Computer Science and Coding in One Big Fat Notebook provides concepts, mnemonic devices, vocabulary, diagrams, and illustrations to help your children understand computer science. Learn how we used this book in our homeschool to help Bear perfect his coding skills.