BOTW: Quest for the King’s Crown a Last Chance Detectives mystery

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. Quest for the King’s Crown by Robert Vernon, from Tyndale House Publishers and Focus on the Family, is the seventh installment of the Last Chance Detectives series.  This series follows the adventures of four friends that find themselves solving various mysteries. During each book,ContinueContinue reading “BOTW: Quest for the King’s Crown a Last Chance Detectives mystery”

Our Favorite Online Literacy & Math Supplement

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. Today’s review features an updated tour of Reading Eggs! This year we received a 1-year subscription to the program which includes Reading Eggs and Mathseeds. This also includes the program’s additional features of Reading Eggspress, Fast Phonics, and Reading Eggs Jr. Reading Eggs isContinueContinue reading “Our Favorite Online Literacy & Math Supplement”

BOTW: Blue Skies West by Mattie Richardson

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. Appaloosy Books is the heart and home for author Mattie Richardson’s books. She sent us a physical copy of her newest book Blue Skies West which is the fifth story in the Horses in History series. This series tells parts of U.S. History fromContinueContinue reading “BOTW: Blue Skies West by Mattie Richardson”

Jonathan Park Audio Adventures Series

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. Does your child enjoy action-packed adventure stories? If so, then you’ll be excited to hear about Jonathan Park and The Adventure Begins, Series 1. This is a children’s audio adventure set that focuses on faith-building and includes a creation view of science, backed withContinueContinue reading “Jonathan Park Audio Adventures Series”

Embrace a Biblical Worldview One Verse at a Time

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psalm 119:11 KJV This passage of scripture reminds me of the importance of scripture memory for all Christians. As a family, we are using a product from Scripture MemoryContinueContinue reading “Embrace a Biblical Worldview One Verse at a Time”

CTCMath: What’s new, FAQs, and more

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. By now you’ve realized how much we enjoy using CTC Math in our homeschool. Today I’m sharing some answers to frequently asked about the 12-month family membership. 1) Is this program a curriculum or supplement? At Team Kemp Academy we use it as both!ContinueContinue reading “CTCMath: What’s new, FAQs, and more”

Advanced Level High School Art

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. ARTistic Pursuits is an online art program that offers a variety of courses for homeschoolers. Each course is specifically designed to encourage your child to value what they produce from their own hands. Today’s review will include details about the Drawing with Water-soluble andContinueContinue reading “Advanced Level High School Art”

Let’s Talk: High School Math Prep

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. Math Essentials is known for its practice workbooks to enhance math skills. Today, we’ll be reviewing their Mastering Essential Math Skills, Pre-Algebra Concepts book. Each includes access to online video tutorials for every lesson in the book. A DVD version of the tutorials isContinueContinue reading “Let’s Talk: High School Math Prep”

BOTW: Buck First Bank Account by Buck Academy

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. Today’s review features a detailed look at the BUCK FIRST BANK ACCOUNT book by Buck Academy. This story was written to be an easy-to-use guide to understanding bank options. The story introduces you to Buck, a dollar bill that explains how to choose aContinueContinue reading “BOTW: Buck First Bank Account by Buck Academy”

BOTW: Islands and Enemies *Imagination Station #28*

Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew. The Imagination Station series is known for engaging and energetic children’s chapter books. Islands and Enemies by Marianne Hering is the 28th installment of the Tyndale series and it does not disappoint! We received a physical copy of this hardcover book. Every title withinContinueContinue reading “BOTW: Islands and Enemies *Imagination Station #28*”